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Omega Centuari NGC 5139     (Click Image for 1152x824, or Full Res for 2016x1442)

It was an astounding night when this photograph was taken.
A cold front passed through the prior night, the air had calmed during the day.
Sirius and Arcturus were absolutely steady, not a twinkle.
The cold front, still pushing through the region was overriding, compressing and
stablizing the air many miles South of my location.
When I started this photo at 0430hrs EST the night was dead calm
with low humidities for Central Florida, mid-50% and about 27F.
Dawn's light was chasing NGC5139 across the sky at the end
of the 30mins exposure causing concerns about sky fog ruining the image
That night my ST-4 set for 2sec exposures, SA at 2 reported nearly
6.5hrs of no corrections in RA, except when advancing film.
My location is 29d 24m 26.45s North which places Omega Centuari about 15-20deg in elevation.
OTA f: ratio Exposure Film Date Location
1995 #95
Losmandy Titan #26
f:7 30min,
Kodak RG200S
Dry Air Purge
Light Fog
Chiefland, Fla
Map & Satellite Images
Koday Royal Gold 200 Select, unhypered, no filter, 30mins. Scanned at 2400DPI with H/P PhotoSmart.
Processing in Photoshop CS, Levels and Curves.