Date |
12-10-2011 |
Exposure |
1hr. ea. RGB Bin-2, 2hrs Lum Bin-1.
Optics |
2004 RCOS 14.5" Ion, CF Truss, f:9, FL=3314mm. |
Mount |
2007 AP1200 GTOCP3 #714 |
Camera |
2005 SBIG STL-11000M, 0.55 arc.sec p/pixel, -20C, AstroDon LRGBH-a. |
Guider |
2006 SBIG STL-Remote, w/visual Red filter, TAK FS-60Q at f:10 |
Equipment |
RCOS Field Flatener. Custom built Water Cooling and DryAir Purge Systems |
Processing |
MaximDL/CCD w/Russ Croman's Sigma Combine Plug-In, Photoshop CS4, FITSplug by Eddie Trimarchi, AstroActions by Noel Carboni |
Location |
StarFields Observatory (SFO), Chiefland Astronomy Village, Florida,
Comments |
G2V'd, RGB ratios are 1.35:1:1.12.
Short 5min sub-frames kept stars pinpoint but not long enought to fill in the spiral arms. Will attack next year with longer exposures.